Vs Nurture
The San Bernardino shooting was carried out by a man and his wife on December 2, 2015 in California. The episode resulted in 14 dead and 17 wounded, the worst act of terrorism in the United States since 9/11. The suspects were identified as Syed Farook (28) and his wife, Tashfeen Malik (27). The shooting took place at a public training event and holiday party; Farook had been attending the party, and suddenly left, only to return with his wife in full battle gear. According to officials, they had enough ammunition and firepower to kill hundreds of people. After fleeing the scene in a rented SUV, they died in a shootout with police four hours later. In the rental car, police found 1600 rounds of ammunition. 3 pipe bombs were also found at the scene of the shootings. At their home, another 12 pipe bombs were found, along with 3000 more rounds of ammunition23. The FBI opened a counter-terrorism investigation on December 3, and on December 6, President Obama declared the shooting an act of terrorism. Enrique Marquez Jr., was investigated for helping in the shooting by supplying guns; he was arrested on December 17 on three charges on which he will stand trial24.
San Bernardino Attack
The FBI declared the shooters to be "homegrown violent extremists," who were inspired by outside terrorist groups. This knowledge has led many to react with fear and increased suspicion, especially toward Muslims, or even anybody that looks Middle Eastern. People have reacted to this event, along with similar events that involved radical Muslims, such as the attacks on Paris, with prejudice toward the group25. Middle Easterners, Muslim or not, have been affected by this prejudice. Also, the issue of gun control was again pushed into the spotlight, with Democrats arguing for stricter firearm regulations26.
The two perpetrators were influenced and motivated by outside terrorist groups, including ISIS. According to investigators, the two became radicalized over several years, especially being influnced by the internet. One motivation for the attack may have been their belief in an Islamic State, jihadism, and martyrdom. A few years before the attack, they traveled to Saudi Arabia, and may have been further influenced there. According to reports, Farook and Marquez may have planned a shooting in 2011, but it didn't take place after Marquez backed out27.