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     On April 20, 1999 two teens, Eric Harris (18) and Dylan Klebold (17) opened fire on Columbine High School in Colorado. The two boys were seniors at the school, and their attack resulted in the worst high school shooting in U.S. history. The two arrived at the school in separate cars the morning of the attack. They entered the cafeteira with two duffel bags containing a propane bomb that they intended to set off. After the bombs failed to detonate, the two started the shooting rampage. They killed 13 people and injured 24 others before killing themselves8. The two had acquired their guns through Robyn Anderson, who was not charged with anything due to her cooperation.


Columbine H.S. Shooting


     The shooting caused a nation wide debate about gun control; many pushed for stricter regulations, such as getting a background check before being able to purchase a gun. The NRA fought back however, and the debate intensified9. The shooting also brought up the issue of school safety and security, with many people saying that more measures had to be taken to keep students safe10 The issue of violent videogames/television also came into the national spotlight, with many condemning them as an influence of the shooting11.


     Even to this day, the motivations of the shooters are not clear. In journals belonging to the shooters found after the event, passages about the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Waco Siege were prominent. The boys apparently wanted to "outdo" these events, especially Timothy McVeigh. Also, investigators found that the boys may have belonged to a group known as the Trenchcoat Mafia, who were interested in goth culture. The journals also suggest that the boys were constantly bullied12; some the boys' classmates confirmed this shortly after the shooting by describing such examples as ketchup being thrown on them, as well as terrible name calling. Violent videogames and music lyrics were also called into question, along with the idea of the boys being interested in Nazism (the attack took place on Adolf Hitler's birthday). Additional research has shown that the boys may have suffered from severe psychological problems13.

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Author: Katelyn Trevino 

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